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draw ratioの例文


  • Draw ratios are typically around 3 to 4 in each direction.
  • In general, unaligned, unsubstituted PPV presents only moderate conductivity with doping, ranging from [ 1 ] Draw ratios of up to 10 are possible.
  • As the material deforms, all locations undergo approximately the same amount of strain as long as it hardens more than its cross-sectional area decreases, as shown at small draw ratios in the top diagram and at all draw ratios in the bottom.
  • As the material deforms, all locations undergo approximately the same amount of strain as long as it hardens more than its cross-sectional area decreases, as shown at small draw ratios in the top diagram and at all draw ratios in the bottom.
  • The plots at left show the quantitative relation between hardening ( depicted by the curve's slope ) and decrease in cross-sectional area ( assumed in the Consid鑢e treatment to vary inversely with draw ratio ) for a material that forms a stable neck ( top ) and a material that deforms homogeneously at all draw ratios ( bottom ).
  • The plots at left show the quantitative relation between hardening ( depicted by the curve's slope ) and decrease in cross-sectional area ( assumed in the Consid鑢e treatment to vary inversely with draw ratio ) for a material that forms a stable neck ( top ) and a material that deforms homogeneously at all draw ratios ( bottom ).